Carl Rippon

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Carl Rippon
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Testing EF Core Repositories with xUnit and an In Memory Db

January 30, 2017

I came across the EF Core In Memory database recently. It obviously won’t have all the features of a relational database but it might be useful when unit testing simple repository methods.

Let’s take it for a spin …

Starting point

We have the following repository that we want to test. We’re just going to test the Add method in this post:

public interface IPersonRepository
    ICollection<Person> GetAll();
    void Add(Person person);}
public class PersonRepository: IPersonRepository
    private PersonDataContext personDataContext;

    public PersonRepository(PersonDataContext personDataContext)
        this.personDataContext = personDataContext;


    public ICollection<Person> GetAll()
        return personDataContext.People.ToList();

    public Person Add(Person person)    {        personDataContext.People.Add(person);        personDataContext.SaveChanges();        return person;    }}

Here’s the EF data context and models behind our repository:

public class PersonDataContext: DbContext
    public PersonDataContext() { }
    public PersonDataContext(DbContextOptions<PersonDataContext> options): base(options) { }
    public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
    public DbSet<EmailAddress> EmailAddresses { get; set; }
public class Person
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }
    public ICollection<EmailAddress> EmailAddresses { get; set; }
public class EmailAddress
    public int EmailAddressId { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }


So, let’s bring in xUnit by adding the following entries into

"dependencies": {
    "xunit": "2.2.0-beta5-build3474",
    "dotnet-test-xunit": "2.2.0-preview2-build1029"

We also need to tell Visual Studio that xUnit is going to be our test runner by setting the following as a root property in project.json as well:

"testRunner": "xunit"

Now we can start adding xUnit tests. Let’s just add a couple of simple tests to double check xUnit is wired up properly. Let’s add the following class containing a test that should pass and a test that should fail:

public class SimpleTest
    public void PassingTest()
        Assert.Equal(2, 2);

    public void FailingTest()
        Assert.Equal(2, 3);

If we open up Test Explorer you’ll see our tests and if you run them, 1 should pass and should 1 fail.


As a bonus, you can also run these tests from the command line by browsing to the app’s folder and running the following command:

dotnet test

Again, you should see 1 passing and 1 failing test.

In Memory Database

Before we test our repository, let’s bring in the In Memory database into our solution by adding the following dependency in

  "dependencies": {
    "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory": "1.0.1"

Repository Tests

So, let’s start testing our Add method in our repository by creating a class and a method to test the storyline when a person has no email address:

public class PersonRepositoryTests
    public void Add_WhenHaveNoEmail()
        IPersonRepository sut = GetInMemoryPersonRepository();
        Person person = new Person()
            PersonId = 1,
            FirstName = "fred",
            Surname = "Blogs"

        Person savedPerson = sut.Add(person);

        Assert.Equal(1, sut.GetAll().Count());
        Assert.Equal("fred", savedPerson.FirstName);
        Assert.Equal("Blogs", savedPerson.Surname);

    private IPersonRepository GetInMemoryPersonRepository()
        DbContextOptions<PersonDataContext> options;
        var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PersonDataContext>();
        options = builder.Options;
        PersonDataContext personDataContext = new PersonDataContext(options);
        return new PersonRepository(personDataContext);

GetInMemoryPersonRepository is a method that all our tests will use to spin up a PersonRepository containing no data. Line 26 tells our data context to use the In Memory database. Lines 29 and 30 ensures we have a new database with no data in it.

The test is straight forward. Lines 6-12 creates a repository and a person with no email address. Line 14 calls the Add method in our repository passing in the person. Lines 16-19 carry our checks.

If you run the tests, all should be good.

Now, let’s add a couple more tests to test adding a person with single and multiple email addresses:

public void Add_WhenHaveSingleEmail()
    IPersonRepository sut = GetInMemoryPersonRepository();
    Person person = new Person()
        PersonId = 1,
        FirstName = "fred",
        Surname = "Blogs",
        EmailAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>()
            new EmailAddress()
                EmailAddressId = 1,
                Email = ""

    Person savedPerson = sut.Add(person);

    Assert.Equal(1, sut.GetAll().Count());
    Assert.Equal("fred", savedPerson.FirstName);
    Assert.Equal("Blogs", savedPerson.Surname);
    Assert.Equal(1, savedPerson.EmailAddresses.Count());
    Assert.Equal("", savedPerson.EmailAddresses.ToList()[0].Email);

public void Add_WhenHaveMultipleEmail()
    IPersonRepository sut = GetInMemoryPersonRepository();
    Person person = new Person()
        PersonId = 1,
        FirstName = "fred",
        Surname = "Blogs",
        EmailAddresses = new List<EmailAddress>()
            new EmailAddress()
                EmailAddressId = 1,
                Email = ""
            new EmailAddress()
                EmailAddressId = 2,
                Email = ""

    Person savedPerson = sut.Add(person);

    Assert.Equal(1, sut.GetAll().Count());
    Assert.Equal("fred", savedPerson.FirstName);
    Assert.Equal("Blogs", savedPerson.Surname);
    Assert.Equal(2, savedPerson.EmailAddresses.Count());
    Assert.Equal("", savedPerson.EmailAddresses.ToList()[0].Email);
    Assert.Equal("", savedPerson.EmailAddresses.ToList()[1].Email);

The tests are straightforward, following the same structure as the 1st test, using GetInMemoryPersonRepository to spin up a PersonRepository with an In Memory database behind it.

If you run the tests, all should be good.

The tests are also quick - on my machine the three tests took 7, 13 and 624 ms.

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